Source: markdown-mode
Version: 2.3+154-1
Severity: normal


I just noticed that markdown-mode prominently advertises support for
imenu-list sidebars that display document structure

and in my opinion that is an upstream recommendation for imenu-list.  
Regrettably the project doesn't document how to replicate this layout, other 
than noting

  * markdown-nested-imenu-heading-index - Use nested imenu heading
    instead of a flat index (default: t). A nested index may provide
    more natural browsing from the menu, but a flat list may allow for
    faster keyboard navigation via tab completion.

  * markdown-add-footnotes-to-imenu - Add footnote definitions to the
    end of the imenu index (default: t).

in their

I'd be happy to commit the change to debian/control, and/or filing a
PR with upstream about documenting how to reproduce this layout.


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