On Tue, 29 May 2018 14:41:14 +0200, Andreas Gocht wrote:

> I recently tried to start JabRef using my default Java8 version. I got the 
> following error:
> Unrecognized option: --add-modules=java.se.ee
> Error: Could not create the Java Virtual Machine.
> Error: A fatal exception has occurred. Program will exit.
> I realised, that --add-modules=java.se.ee might be needed for Java9, so I 
> installed openjdk-9-jre which solved the problem.

Thanks for your bug report!

Indeed, the interaction between JabRef and various openjdk-* versions
is a bit messy.

Looking at the recent evolution of debian/control, I note that
there's no default-jre or openjdk-* in Depends any more.

The recent changes were:
"default-jre (>= 2:1.8) | java8-runtime" → "openjdk-8-jre" → ""

I guess, adding something like
"default-jre (>= 2:1.9) | java9-runtime"
should help (java9-runtime is provided by default-jre (2:1.10-65),
default-jre (2:1.10-66), openjdk-10-jre (10.0.1+10-4), openjdk-11-jre
(11~13-2), openjdk-11-jre (11~15-1), openjdk-9-jre (9.0.4+12-4)).

Tony, what do you think?

PS and JFTR: `JABREF_JAVA_OPTS="" jabref' might have worked with
openjdk-8 as well.


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