Source: syslog-ng
Version: 3.13.2-4
Usertags: issue

While inspecting regressions in autopkgtest results¹, I noticed that
your package syslog-ng passes in unstable and testing, except when it is
run in testing with an other package from unstable. Most (if not all)
failures are in the upgrade test. I believe that test should either be
disabled, or made compatible with the migration testing setup that we
use in Debian. Currently I have added a britney hint² to ignore all
results for syslog-ng as it would delay all migrations where syslog-ng
is tested, but the autopkgtest should be fixed instead.

Please contact me if you need more information on the Debian setup for
testing unstable-to-testing migration.

PS: I haven't raised the severity of this bug yet, but I'll inform the
release team about it and I expect they will raise it.


autopkgtest [07:36:33]: test upgrade: [-----------------------
Reading package lists...
Building dependency tree...
Reading state information...
autopkgtest [07:36:33]: test upgrade: -----------------------]
autopkgtest [07:36:34]: test upgrade:  - - - - - - - - - - results - - -
- - - - - - -
upgrade              FAIL non-zero exit status 100

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