On 01/06/18 13:32, Dirk Eddelbuettel wrote:
> On 1 June 2018 at 11:54, Emilio Pozuelo Monfort wrote:
> | Scheduled for cluster foreign rmpi nlme rmatrix robustbase lmtest survival 
> lme4
> | tseries.
> Why is that needed? Aren't ALL binary packages auto-rebuilt?

Depending on your definition of auto-rebuilt... I was the one who scheduled the
rebuilds, and I picked all arch:any packages from the transition page, except
for that set. The reason is that they didn't depend on r-base-3.4 (except on
kbsd, probably because of old builds), so it seemed unnecessary to rebuild them.
Turns out they need a rebuild as you guys have pointed out, so that's why I have
scheduled the rebuilds for them now.

Hope that is clear, let me know if it is not.


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