On 04/06/2018 16:19, Dirk Eddelbuettel wrote:
| So thank you, this seems to be the solution!  I will upload to Ubuntu
| proper now and keep an eye on the rest of fbasics' dependants.  I'll let
| you know how it goes.

Awesome. I'll do the same here, starting with fBasics -- and we add as needed.

All of fbasics' dependants built in Ubuntu without changes. \o/

One though though; should we not make that $ARCH dependent?

We could, but it's not really the fault of the architecture; it's not like we need to add this flag for big-endian systems, or because i386 has weird floating point precision. It's just that mips, mipsel and sh4 in Debian, and arm64 and ppc64el in Ubuntu (currently) don't seem to have enough RAM.

What are the implications of having --no-byte-compile across all architectures for this one package?

I wonder why fbasics is the only one out of 600+ packages where we hit this issue.

Thanks for the heads-up and quick test. Truly appreciated.

You are welcome!

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