I took a look at packaging this a few months ago and raised the following 
points, some of these points may have been obsoleted and some I have added 
additional comments where appropriate.

1. The current packaging uses 3.0 (native), that is probably fine for snapshot 
builds distributed by yourselves but for actual packaging for Debian we 
probably want to use 3.0 (quilt) with the packaging for Debian being based on 
an upstream stable release tarball (apparently serge's packaging at 
https://github.com/XECDesign/mu uses 3.0 quilt).
2. The build-depends in the Debian packaging look grossly incomplete compared 
to the dependencies in setup.py
3. The install_requires in setup.py seems to specify exact versions? are those 
exact versions really nessacery? remember debian only has one version of a 
python library at a time.
4. Some of the versions specified in your setup.py are lower than the versions 
currently in sid. Sid currently has pyqt5 5.9.2 and matplotlib 2.1.1
5. setup.py depends on pygame zero which doesn't currently appear to be in 
Debian (I have been working on this but much of the documentation/examples have 
unclear licensing or even suspected violations which is making it a slow and 
depressing process).
6. setup.py depends on PyQtChart which doesn't currently appear to be in Debian 
(now uploaded to new by Stephen Kitt)
7. What to call the package? I can see a two-letter package name meeting some 
resistance as being prone to conflicts, maybe mu-editor?
8. The package description could do with some improvements. Right now it really 
doesn't tell me anything about what mu can do (beyond just editing files but we 
have a pile of tools for that).
9. debian/copyright only mentions a single copyright holder, whereas even a 
quick look at the code points to an Authors file that mentions other authors. 
Also poking through the docs folder reveals a number of images that don't look 
original to this project. We need to know where they came from and what license 
terms they are under.
10. use of /usr/bin/env python3 is discouraged, debian prefers use of an 
explicit path.

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