On Wed, 16 May 2018 09:50:28 -0400 Felipe Sateler <fsate...@debian.org>
> [...]
>> Can you handle the update-rc.d side or should I file a bug against
>> init-system-helpers?
> I'd like opinions from the rest of pkg-systemd first. Michael, what do you
> think?

Any updates on this part?

> Another thing that came to mind is that the above check won't work in a
> chroot. But invoke-rc.d already denies chroot execution without
> policy-rc.d, and systemd execution has no chance of working either
> (systemctl rejects calls when it detects it is chrooted), so perhaps this
> is enough of a corner case to be pushed into the future when someone bumps
> into it.
> -- 
> Saludos,
> Felipe Sateler

All the more reason to put the check into invoke-rc.d as fixing that
corner case will be non-trivial if deployed in generated maintscripts. :)


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