
I am not familiar with Debian packages processes.
I hope this is the right place to report the issue.
I found the issue using the Ubuntu package dkimproxy, I believe inherited from Debian.

I agree with Martin Hanson.
For me the dkimproxy daemon script does not work correctly.
It does not take into account the /etc/dkimproxy/dkimpproxy_out.conf file and thus does not use the appropriate key location.
This is also what was, to me, reported in bug:
#688986: Init script of Debian package of dkimproxy do not parse/read /etc/dkimproxy/dkimproxy_out.conf

The script /usr/sbin/dkimproxy.out works fine but, after some trials, I understand that some options should be exclusive or at least, the precedence of some options should be more documented. Then the dkimproxy daemon script (in /etc/init.d/) builds the wrong combination of options preventing dkimproxy.out to read the config file and to work as expected. My understanding is that the script /usr/sbin/dkimproxy.out should be used either with the --conf_file=FILENAME option
or with options --keyfile=FILENAME, --selector=SELECTOR, etc...
I could not really figure out which options can be combined. I only notice that:

/usr/sbin/dkimproxy.out --conf_file=/etc/dkimproxy/dkimproxy_out.conf --daemonize

works fine whereas, command generated by the dkimproxy daemon script:

/usr/sbin/dkimproxy.out --domain=somedomain --method=simple --conf_file=/etc/dkimproxy/dkimproxy_out.conf --keyfile=/var/lib/dkimproxy/private.key --user=dkimproxy --group=email --daemonize --pidfile=/var/run/dkimproxy.out --signature=dkim --signature=domainkeys --min_servers=5

Does not work for me because the --keyfile=/var/lib/dkimproxy/private.key seem to have precedence on the key location specified in --conf_file=/etc/dkimproxy/dkimproxy_out.conf

I think that there are too many levels of config files:
- /etc/default/dkimproxy  used by   /etc/init.d/dkimproxy
- /etc/dkimproxy/dkimproxy_out.conf   used by /usr/sbin/dkimproxy.out
- sender_map also used by /usr/sbin/dkimproxy.out
With very confusing combinations of options and overwriting possibilities (and currently /etc/default/dkimproxy overwrites the dkimproxy_out.conf options...).
Maybe this should be simplified.

Beside this, I think the dkimproxy daemon script need to be reviewed.
I found, for example that the piece of code:

# Get the host domains dynamically. You can change this to the location where # you have your virtual table here, or best: ehance this script to support more
# situations with packages others than DTC
if [ -n "${DOMAIN}" ] ; then
    if [ -f /var/lib/dtc/etc/local_domains ] ; then
        DTC_DOMAIN=`cat /var/lib/dtc/etc/local_domains | tr \\\r\\\n ,,`
        DTC_DOMAIN=`echo ${DTC_DOMAIN} | grep -v ^${HOST_DOMAIN}`

Will never retain the DOMAIN, read in the /etc/default/dkimproxy file but always set it to ${DTC_DOMAIN}${HOST_DOMAIN}... For me, DOMAIN=${DTC_DOMAIN}${HOST_DOMAIN} should be put in an 'else' section of 'if [ -n "${DOMAIN}" ] ; For now I will try to rework this script at least for my own use (I am not an sh expert...).
If the result is satisfactory, I will post it in this thread.
Best regards,


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