On 18 May 2018, Reto Schoch  wrote:
> Your suggested workaround made me once again have a glimpse on the
> developer's website and there I found at the top of the FAQ that he
> meanwhile has a respond to this issue, namely:
> perl 5.26 @INC error If you get something like this instead of the login
> screen

  I also can now see that the author added that information, as well
as the reference URL for the issue, to the SQL-Ledger FAQ. Since I'm
having to patch it anyway for the Debian package and it's being
installed to a known directory, I'm using the example given in that
reference for "Script Authors".

  And it does seems to work, although I'm only able to get as far as
the 'Create Dataset' page because a template selection is required and
that directory is missing any contents in the distribution archive.

Robert J. Clay

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