
Thank you for your comments, they are much appreciated :-)

On Tue, Jun 26, 2018 at 08:21:41AM +0100, Sean Whitton wrote:
> Hello,
> On Mon, Jun 25 2018, Nicholas D. Steeves wrote:
> > P.S. Will RFSs or ITPs need to be filed for each of the 90
> > emacs-goodies-el subpackages? :-/
> ITPs definitely not.  They are not new in Debian.

What about in the case of forks?  Eg: goodies' apache-mode is the
original, by Jonathan Marten.

https://github.com/martenjj/apachemode is also by Jonathan Marten
  - Notes that it merges the features of three forks back into the
https://github.com/emacs-php/apache-mode/ is a fork by Karl Chen, and
I wonder if it would be as smooth of a transition.  The fork would
be new to Debian...

At any rate, the RFC: Do we want the version by the original author,
which merges the features from three forks, or do we want the version
on MELPA.  If necessary, I'd be happy to contact Jonathan Marten to
ask him if he would be willing to push his package to MELPA.

> I would suggest a joint RFS containing all of them.

Ok, I'll do this for all the legacy subpackages we decide to maintain.


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