On Wed 04 Oct 2017 at 18:38:32 +0100, Brian Potkin wrote:

> Package: cups-browsed
> Version: 1.17.8-1
> Severity: normal
> Tags: upstream
> I am working on an unstable machine: cups-browsed 1.17.8-1 and cups
> 2.2.4-7. There is a single local queue, pcl. On the network there is
> a jessie server (cups 1.7.5-11+deb8u1) advertising two queues and
> an IPP printer (an Envy 4500) with AirPrint on.

Still on unstable but with cups 2.2.8-3 and cups-browsed 1.20.3+b1.
> With cups-browsed started 'lpstat -a' shows
>  dotmatrix_desktop accepting requests since Wed 04 Oct 2017 17:50 BST
>  ENVY4500 accepting requests since Wed 04 Oct 2017 17:50 BST
>  LaserJet_300_desktop accepting requests since Wed 04 Oct 2017 17:50 BST
>  pcl accepting requests since Wed 04 Oct 2017 17:50 BST

More or less the same as before.

> This is what I would expect. (desktop is the remote print server).
> Stopping cups (which stops cups-browsed) and looking at a print dialog
> in Firefox or gedit I see
>  dotmatrix
>  LaserJet-300
>  print
> Not quite what I expected (I get this on jessie and stretch, too). print
> is the Envy 4500. In addition, it hangs at "Getting printer information"
> when highlighted and shows "Rejecting jobs" when not selected. Two bugs
> in GTK?

I've altered my view on this. Firefox will want to send a PDF. The Envy
4500 does not accept PDF. Not a GTK bug.

> Now for the cups-browsed part. I start it and a dialog has
>  dotmatrix
>  dotmatrix_desktop
>  ENVY4500
>  LaserJet-300
>  LaserJet_300_desktop
>  pcl
>  print
> Is this duplication of GTK discovered printers/print queues supposed to
> happen? I would think not; it does not happen on jessie.

My mistake was to compare a far different version of cups-browsed with
the present version and to neglect how the gtk print dialog behaves in
the presence of cups-browsed.


ackowledges that duplicates should be checked for and gets the UUIDs of
printers installed by CUPS (by extracting them from the device-uri) and
compares them with the UUIDs of printers being shared via DNSSD. This
doesn't work for me and duplicates are still shown.

I also note the advice in


 But important is to take care of duplicate listings then (the
 same printer listed both by cups-browsed and the dialog itself),
 preferably by the dialog automatically discovering that entries
 are duplicate, but at least by making Bonjour discovery optional,
 by a run-time switchable option.

I do not have the energy to pursue this with Gnome upstream so am closing
this report as not a cups-browsed bug.



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