Control: retitle -1 crypttab source specifications shouldn't be converted to 
Control: severity -1 important
Control: tag -1 pending

On Sun, 08 Jul 2018 at 18:53:07 +1000, Ian Tester wrote:
> Upon further exploration, it appears the problem is that /dev/block is not
> being created and populated on this system. I'll have to figure out why
> that is. This report may be closed or at least knocked down in severity.

With a running udev daemon `udevadm trigger --type=devices --action=add`
creates and populates that directory.  This is done at early boot stage
and I'm not able to create a bootable environment where this is not the
case, so I'm lowering the severity to non-RC.

That being said there is no reason to convert the crypttab source
specifications to /dev/block/$maj:$min.  (We do want to do the
conversion when traversing the sysfs hierarchy, but for the crypttab
it's unnecessary.)  This commit should do it:


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