control: tags -1 - patch
control: severity -1 wishlist

As Ubuntu bug report said:

     I think the currently wrong value (224D) was right in 2003, but it has
    changed since that date. I can follow the changes with the docbook
    releases that show that it has been modified in the 4.4 release in 2005.
    By the way other changes have occured in these entity declarations.
    ≈ is just an example of the inconsistencies.

This means there is a new data for 4.4 release which needs to be packaged.

I don't think ad-hoc change to old definition is more harmful.  (I may
be wrong here)

I think 2 things needs to happen:

 * package  a new data for 4.4 release
 * update dependency of affected package. (Is this SYSTEM ID issue
   mentioned in

I am no expert on this issue.  We need people who knows this to

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