Dear Guilhem,

> > My gut tells me we should incoropate OpenPGP support directly into
> I assume you mean OpenPGP *smartcard* here

Yes, mea culpa; wasn't paying attention! :)

> Since there is already #888916 open requesting merging of some initramfs
> scripts providing OpenPGP smartcard support, and 888916 < 903163, it'd
> polite of us cryptsetup package maintainers to review Rian's code as
> well before including anything.

Of course and I totally agree with this and your following paragraphs.

So, whilst I will be at DebCamp too (yay) I unfortunately won't have
any hardware to test with and for various reasons I should keep
commitments low at this point.

(Can we get something into shape on a branch for Kyle to test, or are
the bug references you cite above enough?)


     : :'  :     Chris Lamb
     `. `'` /

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