On Sun, Jul 22, 2018 at 11:35:48AM +0800, Sean Whitton wrote:
> control: tag -1 +patch
> - I have chosen to include the recommendation not to install both the
>   changelog and the release notes if both are available.  I've done this
>   using the term 'recommended', which is the weakest requirement Policy
>   can impose; maintainer discretion is allowed.  We do seem to have
>   something of a consensus on this, and maintainers who do disagree can
>   ignore the recommendation.
>   The argument for including the recommendation is that a changelog is
>   not very useful in a binary package, except as a fallback when no
>   release notes are available.  If you're going to dig into an upstream
>   changelog you will do so alongside a copy of the upstream source.  So
>   distributing the upstream changelog in only the source package, and
>   not the binary package(s), makes most sense.

I have to disagree with that recommendation. It all depends on how the
changelog is worded. Since we do not include a definition of changelog
and NEWS file, we cannot assume that one of them is useless without the
source code.

For example pari-gp include both changelog.gz and NEW.gz and both are
potentially useful to users without a copy of the source.

Bill. <ballo...@debian.org>

Imagine a large red swirl here. 

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