Control: retitle -1 dbus-daemon does not start, perhaps related to having a 
separate /var

On Sat, 28 Jul 2018 at 15:25:47 -0400, Thomas Hardman wrote:
> I have /var on a "spinner" drive along with /home and /tmp, and /  and /usr 
> are
> on two different partitions of an NVME/PCIe solid-state drive.
> /etc/fstab mounts these partitions from the "spinner" drive using UUID rather
> than calling (for example) /dev/sda1 to mount on /var. Possibly irrelevant.
> Is it possible that somewhere in the process of mounting the spinner partition
> for /var, the dbus directory with dbus.service and dbus.socket becomes
> inaccessible and need to be recreated with `service dbus restart`?

Aha. A separate /var mounted relatively late in boot is an unusual
configuration: it is meant to be supported, but few developers test it,
so I could well believe that it has regressed at some point.

I'm going to ask some leading questions now, but please don't change
your system configuration yet based on the answers you think I'm looking
for to these questions: I might need to ask further questions for more
diagnostics before settling on a solution.

On your root partition (if you mount the root from an initrd, live-CD or
similar recovery media), is /var/run a symbolic link to /run, or a real
directory, or does it not exist at all?

On your /var partition, is /var/run a symbolic link to /run, or is it a
real directory?

Does your /etc/fstab have an entry for /var/run?

Please could you attach your entire /etc/fstab? If there's anything
you consider to be sensitive in there, you can email it to
instead of sending it to, or censor it by replacing
UUIDs, user-defined directory names etc. with xxxxx, yyyyy etc. in a
consistent way.

It would also be helpful if you could send /var/log/syslog entries
for an entire bootup sequence (again, send it to me privately if you
prefer, and it's OK to censor it but please make it obvious where you
have done so).


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