Debian Bug Tracking System wrote on 07/27/2018 03:54 AM:
> This is an automatic notification regarding your Bug report
> which was filed against the splat package:
> #898306: splat: packaging error? : installation will remove 
> apparently-unrelated packages
> It has been closed by Bdale Garbee <>.

I am afraid that I am still confused :-(


> This isn't actually a bug in splat.  Typically, when a package manager like
> synaptic wants to remove packages as part of a package install or upgrade, 
> it's
> because there are unresolveable conflicts in dependent packages.  Sometimes
> this can be "cleared up" by recompiling one or more packages against fresher
> library versions.  But on any given day, it doesn't mean there's a bug in any
> of the packages at the source level.

So there's a bug somewhere, right? But where?

As I am using debian stable, I don't really expect to have to mess with
recompiling stuff from source: surely any conflict means that someone has made
a mistake in the packaging, doesn't it?

> Further, I don't see a 'debian-zfs' package in Debian at all.  What's that
> about?

OK; I've fixed that. It turns out that the official instructions for switching
from the old zfsonlinux system that one had to use before ZFS was supported by
debian stable don't bother to tell one that following those instructions
leaves to debian-zfs remaining on the system, even though it's no longer used.
So I have removed that package manually, along with a bunch of other stuff
that was silently left behind; now, as far as I can tell, I have a stretch
system cleanly running the official ZFS packages.

> Finally, I hope you realize that the splat package in Debian is *not* the
> Solaris Porting LAyer Tests (SPLAT) which might be interesting to someone
> using ZFS, but is actually something completely different...

Yes, I understand that. I want splat (AND spl, as I use ZFS). But synaptic is
still telling me that it's going to remove the debian stable "spl" package,
which leaves me still unable to install splat, as spl is needed to use ZFS:


root@homebrew:/home/n7dr/radio# aptitude why spl
i   zfs-dkms PreDepends spl-dkms (>=
i A spl-dkms Recommends spl (>=


So I still don't know how to install splat without breaking ZFS support :-(

Sorry if I'm being an idiot. I can be as stupid as the next person, although I
try not to make it a lifestyle.

  73 -- Doc  N7DR


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