Am 05.08.2018 um 18:14 schrieb Jaap Keuter:

> As a further experiment I've entered the following in a bash shell to see what
> would happen:
> $ systemctl start phpsessionclean.timer
> It pops up a dialog "Authentication Required - PolicyKit1 KDE Agent"
> which says "Authentication is required to start 'phpsessionclean.timer".
> It sits there for 25 seconds, after which it disappears outputting on the 
> shell:
> "Failed to start phpsessionclean.timer: Connection timed out
> See system logs and 'systemctl status phpsessionclean.timer' for details."
> So this is what might be happening on the update as well. As I was doing other
> things at the time, the dialog must have long since disappeared during the 
> update.

"$" indicates, that you were running the above command as unprivileged
user. In that case it is expected that you are prompted for authentication.

dpkg/apt must be run with root privileges, in which case no separate
authentication is required.
"sudo systemctl start phpsessionclean.timer" will/should not trigger a
polkit authentication dialog.

>> Assuming you haven't rebooted the system, please also include the output
>> of "journalctl -alb" and dmesg.

If you have persistent journal enabled, you might still have the logs
from the previous boot.

Now that you've rebooted, does "sudo apt install --reinstall php-common"
trigger this issue again, ie. do you have a way to reproduce it?

Why is it that all of the instruments seeking intelligent life in the
universe are pointed away from Earth?

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