Hello Helge Kreutzmann,

Sorry if my comments sounded too negative, some more reasoning below.

On Sun, Aug 12, 2018 at 04:35:47PM +0200, Helge Kreutzmann wrote:
> Hello Andreas Henriksson,
> I'm a bit puzzled by your e-mail. Simon asked me to provide some text,
> Chris prodded me and Davide and Simon reviewed my text (which does not
> imply that it is perfect or so).
> Well, I think for _Debian_ users the change *is* suprising, but only
> because the su version (and its configuration / behaviour) has
> changed.

If the change in behaviour isn't something we can just live with
I think solving it via pam configuration seems like the best course
of action. Please see the mail I just quickly banged together and
sent to debian-devel (with you BCCed).

> Which is clearly not the case here. So upstreaming is no option.

Carrying patches downstream forever isn't something I'm very
enthusiastic about as you probably understand. As you might have
also noticed I've removed myself from util-linux maintenance (lack of
time). I thus don't really see it suitable for me to add patches like
this that someone else gets to maintain, but anyone with upload
privilegies can upload a NMU themselves ofcourse! (so there's no need
to wait for me to do it.)

OTOH please consider I've spent years to back util-linux out of the
corner it was stuck in. Non upstreamed/upstreamable patches was part
of the problem. I would very much appreciate some sympathy on that
rather than pushing things back into the corner as soon as I turn my
back. ;P

> Thanks. But as stated earlier, having it in NEWS is only part of the
> solution, [...]

I'd even call it a workaround which simply serves the purpose of me
not having to touch the pam configuration with zero peer review.
(And I also doubt more people read manpages than read NEWS. Targeting
release notes might be a much better option. Things that aren't new
but just best practises we want to spread the knowledge of might be
better suited for debian-handbook or similar....)

It seems to me that the pam configuration, even ignoring the current
implementation differences, is long overdue for an overhaul (based
on the bug reports zeha reassigned).
Hopefully we can get a discussion going on what a suitable pam
configuration should look like and get enough people involved to make a
good tradeoff and get all changes peer reviewed.

I however fear that everyone who has prior PAM knowledge knows how easy
it is to get things wrong and are smart enough to keep their hands away.
Possibly we might need to find new people who haven't already cut
themselves on pam configuration to become interested and involved, and
learn as they go (to eventually also learn to never touch pam
configuration ever again).

Sorry for sending another sloppy mail today, but hopefully you can
make some sense of what I wrote. Really need to attend personal
things now instead.... Final words, don't expect me to actually maintain
util-linux anymore. Don't wait for me to upload what you think is

Andreas Henriksson

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