By now the snapshot that's in stretch is ~20 months out of date. Some of the modules will work and some won't, but over time more and more will break. The version of plowshare itself in stretch includes the plowmod script, so stretch users don't need the modules. I suppose by the same logic it makes sense to remove the modules package from stretch.

Plowshare currently Recommends plowshare-modules (I demote that to a Suggests in a new version on mentors for sid/testing) so I suppose the best course would be:

1) Patch the stable version of plowshare to change the dependencies (remove plowshare-modules from Recommends, add git to Recommends) and get this into stretch-proposed-updates.

  2) File an RM bug against release.d.o for plowshare-modules in stable.

Does that sound reasonable? The alternative is just to leave the package in stretch alone and accept that it will degrade in functionality over time. Users are already able to use the plowmod script and ignore the plowshare-modules package there if they need more recent modules.


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