well i got a complaint from the salsa team because DUCK generated too
much load there. I the reduced the scan rate for e.g. the repos, seems
like i messed something up and the jobs got stuck. will fix this tomorrow.


Am 2018-08-22 um 19:20 schrieb Raphael Hertzog:
> Hi,
> On Wed, 22 Aug 2018, Christian Göttsche wrote:
>> The URL(s) for this package had some recent persistent issues low
>> DUCK reports some issues concerning upstream URLs defined for this package.
>> Created: 2018-06-10 Last update: 2018-08-22 15:01
>> But when visiting the issues link, the page shows the last run
>> happened on 2018-07-28 (so not 2018-08-22 15:01).
> The "Last update" is the time when tracker.d.o last updated its
> own data, i.e. the last time we fetched the data from DUCK.
> And the data we fetch from DUCK is limited to a list of source packages:
> http://duck.debian.net/static/sourcepackages.txt
> So we can't give more details.
> Not sure where to go from here.
> Cheers,

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