control: tag -1 + confirmed upstream
control: forwarded -1


On Sat 25 Aug 2018 at 09:29PM -0300, David Bremner wrote:

> Prior to upstream commit 1d39a530, Propellor did something like
>     (proc "gpg" ["--no-default-keyring", "--keyring", f, "--import", "-"])
> which created a a gpg keyring, and the format of those changed at some
> point to something that apt-key does not support. To fix this breakage
> Propeller switched to calling apt-key add, which works, for now, but
> it complains, and will probably break at some point.
> According to the apt-key manpage
>  "Instead of using this [add] command a keyring should be placed
>    directly in the /etc/apt/trusted.gpg.d/ directory with a
>    descriptive name and either "gpg" or "asc" as file extension."
> As far as I can tell, if the privdata is in the right format (which is
> always an issue with propellor), no call to gpg should be necessary,
> and trustsKey could be implimented e.g. with File.hasPrivContent.

What we are talking about here are public keys, and in fact
Apt.trustsKey does not work with any privcontent, but simply with a
String, i.e., it implicitly expects the output of `gpg -a --export`
right there in your config.hs.

So Apt.trustsKey should be implemented with File.hasContents.

Sean Whitton

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