Control: block 907807 by 907015

On 2018-09-05 15:53:46, Vincent Bernat wrote:
>  ❦  5 septembre 2018 09:30 -0400, Antoine Beaupré <>:
>> So I've forwarded the bug upstream to see if we can get a hint there. I
>> originally thought this was a 1.1 transition problem, but as it turns
>> out, linkchecker loads those sites fine in buster, which still has
>> 1.1.0.
> It's 1.1.1 which comes with more strict checks on everything. I think
> there is a metabug about this:

I see. So I guess this blocks that then, adding to the pile.

Travail, du latin Tri Palium trois pieux, instrument de torture.

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