control: reassign -1 devscripts
control: retitle -1 New script: smash-working-tree-timestamps
control: severity -1 wishlist


On Mon 09 Jul 2018 at 04:20PM +0100, Ian Jackson wrote:

> We definitely need it to touch files which came from `git checkout',
> `git reset' and so on.
> If one is trying to use some existing build machinery which has
> timestamp-related bugs, then it is likely that totally untracked files
> which are actually build products will want to be older than the
> source files being touched.
> I don't think .gitignore should influence the behaviour, because we
> are trying to cope with broken packages, whose .gitignore is likely to
> be unhelpful.
> There is a question about files the user has created, which are not
> build products, and which have not been added to HEAD or to the index.
> We can't distinguish these from build products.  I suggest we treat
> them as build products, and advise the user to commit before building
> (or at least `git add' anything they intend to keep).

This reasoning all seems fine to me.

I guess that experience using the script to avoid FTBFS will reveal
whether this behaviour needs to be tweaked; we probably shouldn't
overthink it.

> Something like
>   #!/bin/bash
>   set -o pipefail
>   git ls-files -z | xargs -0r touch -h -r . --
> This does not include files which are in HEAD, not in the index, but
> in the working tree.  Ie files which were git rm'd, but not committed,
> and then recreated.

Those seem likely to be build products that were accidentally committed
(because, e.g., accidentally included in the source package).  So that
seems right, too.

Sean Whitton

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