Control: tags -1 + wontfix

Hello Vincent Lefevre,

On Fri, Aug 24, 2018 at 05:17:34PM +0200, Vincent Lefevre wrote:
> Package: util-linux
> Version: 2.32.1-0.1
> Severity: important
> The fundamental problem is that it's not at all defined what "su"
> without -l actually wants to be:

(This is still unfixed/undefined AFAIK.)

> AFAICS, the behaviour of "su" without -l either needs to be properly
> defined and fixed, or it should be completely deprecated, perhaps
> making it do the same thing as -l.

In my personal opinions 'su' should likely be deprecated in its
entirety. Ofcourse that won't happen over night. There are lots of
scripts to rewrite to use setpriv (and sometimes possibly runuser where
suitable) instead of su. Lots of users to teach to always use sudo.
Most likely there are also standards documents that needs to be adressed
and revisioned. Your help welcome! ;)

(FWIW, I'm thinking we should merge the setpriv package into util-linux
and make setpriv command Essential. The reason we separated it out
doesn't seem to apply anymore. A merge request would certainly be

> First, the default behavior should never be discouraged: if there is
> something wrong, then it should be fixed.

I normally very much agree, but as usual there's a bigger picture to
take into account here. The entire existance of su today basically
boils down to (obsolete?) standards adherence, backwards and sanity
compatibility. Basically su is all about legacy.
Secondly, the util-linux implementation is all about PAM, which allows
you to configure the behaviour so that the application doesn't have
to implement it in C code (as the old su implementation did for
certain things).

Unfortunately what we've seen here is that quite a few people have
built up a habit of relying on debian-specific peculiarities which
was very noticable when we switched. I've tried too gather the opinions
of fellow maintainers and domain experts what we should choose
when we can only pick one debian-legacy-compatibility and being more
compatible with basically every other linux distribution. Everyone
has pointed in the same direction, leaving the debian-peculiarities
of su behind us. (There has also been some discussion about smoothing
out some of the bumps by updating pam configurations, sometimes used
in other distributions already. Again domain experts have suggested
not doing it.)

Please note hovever that plain 'su' was just as bad of an idea
before we switched su implementation as it remains to be today.
People simply need to learn to stop using su at some point (or
keep shooting their own feet off until they learn).

If you really want to help, I think the first best step would be
to lobby the debian installer team to make the 'root password' prompt
only show up in 'expert level' installs and thus giving everyone
sudo installed and setup by default (as far too few users are aware
of that they'll get today by leaving the root password prompt blank).

Sorry, but I don't really see anything to fix in util-linux here
(certainly not anything debian-specific, please discuss upstream changes
on the upstream mailing list. A patch to make the su manpage easier to
read for users would likely be warmly welcomed there).
I'm thus tagging this wontfix. Hopefully my comments above atleast
helps shine some light on the situation.

Andreas Henriksson

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