Axel Beckert wrote on Mon, 17 Sep 2018 20:25 +0200:
> $ dpkg-buildpackage -b

Thilo may need to pass --no-sign here.

> Then install those resulting packages you already have installed as
> root. If you want to install all build packages, you can do that with
> "dpkg -i …/zsh*_5.6.2-2_*.deb" or so.
> But as said, I need to cherry-pick that commit first. Might be able to
> do this later this evening.

For the time being I did a quick build with that commit backported and
uploaded it to .  It's
signed with my key which is in /usr/share/keyrings/debian-maintainer.gpg.

Thilo, if you'd like to further debug your build issues you may find it
easier to do that on IRC.  The zsh package's channel is #pkg-zsh on
freenode, but it has few subscribers; if it's silent, #debian and possibly
#debian-mentors on oftc would be my next ports of call.


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