I believe the "perfect" solution would be to implement a child profile, that would allow only to launch browsers, as as far as I can see, only links (not attachments) are opened with this new gio helper.



  /usr/lib/@{multiarch}/glib-[0-9].[0-9]/gio-launch-desktop Cx -> 


  profile gio_launch_desktop {
    #include <abstractions/base>
    #include <abstractions/ubuntu-browsers>

    /usr/lib/@{multiarch}/glib-[0-9].[0-9]/gio-launch-desktop mr,



Though sadly, AppArmor does not support transition from child profile ("profile transition not found") to child profile (nested child), as these `ubuntu-x` helpers implemented by transitioning into `sanitized_helper` child profile.

I guess I'll try to propose a child profile with "backported" ubuntu-browsers 

  profile gio_launch_desktop {
    #include <abstractions/base>

    /usr/lib/@{multiarch}/glib-[0-9].[0-9]/gio-launch-desktop mr,

    #Backported form abstractions/ubuntu-browsers
    #TODO: fix when nested child profiles are possible and use that abstraction 
    /usr/bin/chromium{,-browser} PUx,
    /usr/lib{,64}/chromium{,-browser}/chromium{,-browser} Pux,
    /usr/bin/firefox PUx,
    /usr/lib{,64}/firefox*/firefox* PUx,


Or alternatively we could use:

/usr/lib/@{multiarch}/glib-[0-9].[0-9]/gio-launch-desktop Cx -> 

Even if we could use `ubuntu-browsers` as a child-child profile, there's another issue that there's no way to specify `Px|Cx->sanitized_helper` - i.e. to either use "proper" profile, OR use sanitized_helper (or other mechanism for environment scrubbing) as fallback.

These two features - nested child profiles (or similar alternaive), and fallback profile transitions (or similar alternative), would really help to confine these kind of complex GUI applications...

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