Hello Leon van Velzen,

I had a small look at your attached backtrace and I think it ends somwhere 
around these lines.

Unfortunately I could not get to these lines in an attached debugger.

So what looks like the path like, at least how long is it?

Kind regards,


#6  0x00007f24d6d864a6 in _nc_read_entry2 () from 
(gdb) disassemble /m _nc_read_entry2
843         _nc_SPRINTF(filename, _nc_SLIMIT(PATH_MAX)
844                     "%.*s", PATH_MAX - 1, name);
846         if (strlen(name) == 0
   0x00007f62f0fcc4a6 <+86>:    cmpb   $0x0,(%rbx)
   0x00007f62f0fcc4a9 <+89>:    je     0x7f62f0fcc4e0 <_nc_read_entry2+144>

disassemble _nc_read_entry2   
   0x00007f62f0fcc4a1 <+81>:    callq  0x7f62f0fc0910 <__sprintf_chk@plt>
   0x00007f62f0fcc4a6 <+86>:    cmpb   $0x0,(%rbx)

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