On 2018-09-25 10:45:07, Iain Learmonth wrote:
> Hi,
> On 25/09/18 05:35, Antoine Beaupré wrote:
>> I tried to figure out what the other package does:
> It uses the DuckDuckGo instant answers API to give an instant answer on
> the command line as a more human friendly version of the ddg command
> which is machine-readable but contains more information.
> popcon reports 7 old and 0 recent.
> The ia script was added in a patch and never actually present upstream:
> https://sources.debian.org/src/python-duckduckgo2/0.242+git20151019-1/debian/patches/0001-add-ia-script.patch/
> I was using this as part of an IRC bot but I now just call Python directly.
> The easiest solution here is probably that I drop that script. It was
> never accepted upstream anyway, nor have there been any updates upstream
> since 2015.

Great! I would be happy to help with that if you need any assistance.

In the meantime, should I just upload IA to NEW? :)


To punish me for my contempt for authority, fate made me an authority myself.
                       - Albert Einstein

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