On Sun, Sep 30, 2018 at 01:55:32PM +0200, Andreas Henriksson wrote:
> Symptoms I've noticed includes (but likely not limited to):
> - permissions being changed on /dev/shm

With a little print debugging the problem seems to occur here:

I think the source of the issue is here:

I'm not sure what you're doing there, but possibly you want to
iterate over all the contents of the directory and bind-mount
that, rather than the directory itself?

You'll probably still have the same issue with type 3 and 4 though
because of:

You probably want to rewrite the entire foreach hunk of code in
a better way, so I'll stop making suggestions.

> - cgroup mounts dissapearing

(not yet investigated)

> - system fails to cleanly reboot, forcing me to power-cycle

(Possibly a symptom from the above.)


Andreas Henriksson

PS. helmut asked me wether using an absolute path changes anything and
no it doesn't, same problem.

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