Am 06.10.18 um 16:12 schrieb Johannes Rohr:
> Now I tested the same profile on a recent Ubuntu with TB 52, and there 
> is no problem, so this seems to be a Debian specific issue, unrelated to 
> the user's configuration.

Yes and no.
For me this is just indicating that this is not a problem of Thunderbird
on Debian itself. Also comparing TB 52 with 60 doesn't say much.
As long as you don't have any special setting in your profile settings
Thunderbird is doing a "fallback' to the system defaults.

You seems to have more problem of your global configuration.

Please have a look at

Or you have some manual entries within your mimeTyps.rdf file within
your profile somehow.


  $ thunderbird --fixmime

But there shouldn't be anything as you say you can use the profile on
another system.

Carsten Schoenert

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