On October 15, 2018 7:58:42 PM UTC, Thomas Girard <thomas.g.gir...@free.fr> 

Hi Thomas,

>On 10/10/18 6:11 PM, Domenico Andreoli wrote:
>>>> Sorry for the late reply. I have been quite busy for a while but
>now my available bandwidth should be hopefully better.
>> how is it going? ;)
>I have found my git repo and I am about to create the Salsa repo. You 
>suggested renaming the repo+source to pahole as per upstream, but 
>current version RPM remain as dwarves. Shall we go for dwarves or

let's keep dwarves then :)

>I will probably create the repo on the debian group (was CollabMaint on
>Alioth) and upload what I have (1.10-2, NMU to reapply).

yes, this was also my intention, please go ahead.


thanks to you!

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