Control: found -1 0.76.3-5
Control: severity -1 normal

Hello Viktor,

please excuse my late reply to this issue.

On 08/14/2017 02:40 PM, Viktor Szépe wrote:
> We have a typo - maybe - in four config files: 
> TLS_TRUSTCERTS=/etc/ssl/cert.pem
> The value should be /etc/ssl/certs

I can reproduce this.  On a fresh install, a grep for TLS_TRUSTCERTS in
/etc/courier yields:


Version 0.78.0-2 shipped in unstable does not show this issue, though.
And for a stable release, a change in configuration files certainly
doesn't warrant an upload.  So I'm going to close this issue.

Kind Regards

Markus Wanner

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