Hello Mattia,

On Fri 12 Oct 2018 at 01:45PM +0200, Mattia Rizzolo wrote:

> I hereby disagree with this approach.
> I think that if we were going this way, build-essential should just
> start depending on netbase instead.
> Changing the Policy wording to say that build-essential should also
> provide networking base stuff it's probably fine though.

Sorry, what exactly is it you are fine with?

> I think we also need a wider request for /etc/services and
> /etc/protocols.  Till now I only heard Ian asking for it, so I believe
> there needs to be a wider request.

Fair enough.

> Talking about the proposed wording: the text within parenthesis mentions
> "versioned build-dependency", but the package it's talking about
> (netbase, I suspect) it's only mentioned in the footnote, which is an
> issue in my book.

What it means is that you need a versioned b-d on netbase if you need a
really new service.  Just like you might need a versioned b-d on
something else in build-essential if you need particular new features.

> On the note of /etc/hosts, I'm fixing the original bug rised by Simon
> McVittie (that was triggered by tests.reproducible-builds.org not
> resolving localhost) within pbuilder (#905307) btw.

Cool, thank you.

Sean Whitton

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