For some reason, I did not receive any of these recent messages prior to
the one that closed the bug.

Just a few things I'd like to point out:

1. "poweroff" performing a halt is incorrect behavior regardless of the
   setting in /etc/default/halt;

2. Regarding this:

   > The user is basically reporting, in the above situation, that they
   > change the default behaviour, but then want to change it back using
   > another method and I don't think Debian's approach supports that.

   Where is this limitation documented in the halt(8) or halt(5) man
   pages, or the /etc/default/halt config file itself?

   > Basically, everything is working "as expected",

   What I expect is that the system works as documented.

3. Better late than never...


Daniel Richard G. ||
My ASCII-art .sig got a bad case of Times New Roman.

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