Package: devscripts
Version: 2.18.7
Followup-For: Bug #863118


Since last message, most sources have been reformatted. has been heavily modified, introducing a new
Devscripts::Config library similar to Devscripts::Confvar.
The attachment rebases all previous patches in this changelog,
except the one affecting

Patches 1 to 15 carry various non intrusive suggestions improving
details, but not specific to Confvar.

Patch 16 lets all tools use Devscripts::Confvar, except

let-uscan-use-confvar.patch contains the unrefreshed changes affecting

In february, the library was passing its automated testsuite, and each
tool was reporting correctly with --help.
However, the recent manual refresh may have introduced new errors.

I suggest the following steps.
* choose between Devscripts::Confvar and Devscripts::Config
* cherry-pick good ideas from the unselected implementation
* redo all testing

Attachment: confvar-863118.tar.gz
Description: application/gzip

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