    Cc'ing *all* affected packages. Noisy, but all parties involved
    should be aware of the progress.

Helmut Grohne wrote...

> I'm not sure that adding our own confgen is maintainable in the long
> run. We already have very many build systems in Debian. We've learned
> the hard way that supporting many different build and packaging tools is
> expensive. Nowadays, most packages use debhelper and that kind of
> centralization bears benefits in modifiability. So I wonder whether
> outright replacing confgen usage (effectively reimplementing the build
> system for <= 15 packages) would be more maintainable in the long run.
> Most likely, that would make cross building just work. On the other
> hand, we'd have to extend the prospective confgen to support that use
> case.
> I'm suggesting that rewriting all those build systems using one of the
> standard tools (e.g. autotools, cmake, meson, maybe not qmake, ...)
> could mean less work.

Switching to e.g. cmake means a one-time more-or-less complex manual
transition but afterwards the packaging should be in a sane state for
quite some time.

After thinking about this for a few days I agree this is the sanest way
to go. For the current build system, there are already some extra
kludges (check out debian/rules if you really want to), and setting up a
confgen emulation, probably as a debhelper extension ... while this was
a faszinating project, it would certainly eat up some ressources to set
up and to maintain. Also, since confgen upstream (see below) described
the program as a hack and I subscribe to that point of view, it's
really better to look forward, even for these old packages.

Still I assume this will be my job - however, the changes will go
beyond a sound NMU size. So I'll send out patches, and eventually go
the package salvaging way.

For two packages, I did the migration already. Seems it's not very
difficult, but worth it¹. Most time was spent in identifying the
meaning of the 29 symbols found in the MCONFIG.in files. Second-biggest
task is learning cmake, but this has been on my agenda for some time
anyway :) Also, good news, old upstream answered my question *and*
provided a copy of confgen - which will help a lot trying to understand
the internals.

If someone more experienced in cmake wants to help, please get in
touch. Otherwise, allow me until end of November to create the fixes -
there is something called "real life" out there. Still my plan is to
salvage *all* packages. The expensive part is the thing called "setup
fee" somewhere else, and I'm mostly done with it.


¹ For example for bsd-finger:

| cmake_minimum_required (VERSION 3.7)
| project (bsd-finger)
| set(MAN_DIR "${CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX}/share/man")
| add_subdirectory(finger)
| add_subdirectory(fingerd)

| file(GLOB SRCS "*.c")
| add_executable(
|     finger
|     ${SRCS}
| )
| install(
|     TARGETS finger
| )
| install(
|     FILES finger.1
|     DESTINATION ${MAN_DIR}/man1/
| )

| file(GLOB SRCS "*.c")
| add_executable(
|     in.fingerd
|     ${SRCS}
| )
| install(
|     TARGETS in.fingerd
| )
| install(
|     FILES fingerd.8
|     DESTINATION ${MAN_DIR}/man8/
|     RENAME in.fingerd.8
| )

| #!/usr/bin/make -f
| %:
|       dh $@ --buildsystem=cmake

... and several more files in debian/ shortened or entirely removed.

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