Norbert Preining schrieb am Mon 13. Mar, 09:32 (+0100):
> Hi Jörg!
> On Sam, 11 Mär 2006, Jörg Sommer wrote:
> > /usr/share/bug/texlive-extra-utils/script: 12: getkey: not found
> > 
> > My reportbug version is 3.18.
> This is really strange: From
>       /usr/share/doc/reportbug/README.developers
> ----
>  While the script is executed, the following shell functions are
> available:
>         getkey                          - asks for a key
> ----

At me too.

> Can you 
>       grep getkey /usr/share/reportbug/*

% grep getkey /usr/share/reportbug/*        
/usr/share/reportbug/handle_bugscript:export -f getkey
/usr/share/reportbug/handle_bugscript:          getkey

> and send me the output? In the file
>       /usr/share/reportbug/handle_bugscript
> the function getkey is defined.

I saw the problem. You must use /bin/bash as shell in the first line.
Probably your /bin/sh points to /bin/bash. But at me it is /bin/dash. But
handle_bugscript is a bash-script.


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