On Mon 2018-11-12 17:02:40 +0100, Elmar Stellnberger wrote:
> Now I have removed pcscd with apt-get remove and see it works now on my 
> Debian 9 machine.

glad to hear that it's working reliably now!  I'm closing this bug
report since it sounds like it's resolved, but feel free to re-open it
if you think it needs more resolution!

> Strangely on my Debian 8 machine pcscd is of version 1.8.13-1 while no
> scdaemon is installed. Nonetheless I remember gpg --card-status always
> having worked on my Debian 8 machine.

debian 8 shipped the "classic" GnuPG 1.4 branch, which did not have a
separate scdaemon.  debian 9 ships the "modern" GnuPG 2.1.x/2.2.x
branch, which does use scdaemon.


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