Ian Jackson writes ("Re: Bug#914317: dgit: less than helpful error if 
debian/patches/ exists as untracked files"):
> Why does this not complain about the uncommitted files in
> debian/patches ?  Clearly you're not using --clean=git.  Are you using
> --clean=dpkg-source,no-check or something ?  Or is debian/patches in
> your .gitignore ?

I tried this:

  git clone https://salsa.debian.org/haskell-team/git-annex
  git reset --hard c6dda1ee~1
  git-cherry-pick -n c6dda1ee
  dgit --build-products-dir=.. --include-dirty build-source

That left the situation you describe, with debian/patches and .pc

After that,

  dgit --build-products-dir=.. -wgf quilt-fixup
    => complaint from dgit that the tree is dirty

  git commit -m X
  dgit --build-products-dir=.. -wgf quilt-fixup
    => deletes the .pc and debian/patches, success

But, if I restore that state I can repro your message like this:

  git commit -m X
  dgit --build-products-dir=.. -wddn quilt-fixup
    => error you quote

Is it possible you were using an earlier version of dgit ?  dgits
before 8.0 do not detect and fail on untracked files.

I'm not sure it is worth making a special check for this given that
the user has had to already override something.

Other ways I can repro this include

  git commit -m X
  dgit --build-products-dir=.. -wn quilt-fixup

  # with dgit 7.0
  git commit -m X
  dgit --build-products-dir=.. -wdd quilt-fixup

I can't get any kind of repro, even with dgit 7.0, with --clean=git.
That always seems to delete the loose .pc and debian/patches as I
would expect.

I guess your shell history is not illuminating ?

FYI my script for resetting after each test case and generating the
situation with loose patch files and staged upstream changes, is this:

  git clean -xdff
  git reset --hard c6dda1ee~1
  git-cherry-pick -n c6dda1ee
  git-deborig ||:
  dgit --build-products-dir=.. -v7.20181105-1 --include-dirty build-source


Ian Jackson <ijack...@chiark.greenend.org.uk>   These opinions are my own.

If I emailed you from an address @fyvzl.net or @evade.org.uk, that is
a private address which bypasses my fierce spamfilter.

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