Package: fakechroot
Version: 1.23

Hello there,

src/request.c:293] -> [src/request.c:290] -> [src/request.c:298]: (error) Using 
pointer to local variable 'headerNameWithPrefix' that is out of scope.

In source code file src/libfakechroot.h, macro definition expand_chroot_path
looks wrong:

#define expand_chroot_path(path) \
    { \
        if (!fakechroot_localdir(path)) { \
            if ((path) != NULL) { \
                charc[FAKECHROOT_PATH_MAX]; \
                rel2abs((path), fakechroot_abspath); \
                (path) = fakechroot_abspath; \
                expand_chroot_rel_path(path); \
            } \
        } \

Making path point to fakechroot_abspath, when it about
to go out of scope is to be polite, a rich source of errors.

Suggest code rework.


David Binderman

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