On 05/12/2018 17:02, Eduard Bloch wrote:
> Hallo,
> * OmegaPhil [Tue, Dec 04 2018, 10:32:27PM]:
>> On 04/12/2018 22:12, Eduard Bloch wrote:
>>> Hallo,
>>> * OmegaPhil [Mon, Dec 03 2018, 04:28:36PM]:
>>>> Package: apt-cacher-ng
>>>> Version: 2-2
>>>> Severity: wishlist
>>>> Please can apt-cacher-ng implement an optional size cap on the caching
>>>> directory, so that I can (for example) guarantee it will never go above
>>>> 100GB.
>>> Oh, "guarantee" is such a strong word. If you wish guarantees, please
>>> configure your filesystem with hard quotas (you can set the filter on
>>> the user name "apt-cacher-ng"). And you can have this today.
>>> In future, I might add this as an application feature but only if this
>>> is not likely to add lots of complexity (to implement and at runtime).
>>> Best regards,
>>> Eduard.
>> Guarantee as in a few megs over limit is irrelevant, but the piece of
>> mind that apt-cacher-ng will only use the rough amount specified,
>> without having to set up a dedicated partition etc.
>> Hmm, with hard quotas (not something I've investigated into yet), would
>> apt-cacher-ng understand to start removing old packages when it hits the
>> quota limit? (If not, presumably it would prevent caching anything new,
>> which would probably defeat the purpose of the cacher for my usage).
> Uhm, no, of course not, and I don't like the idea of doing this online.
> But you can do that offline with acngtool, and this could be run in a
> cron job as well. However, the shrink function in 2-2 could overlook
> some garbage data, but you still could give it a chance.
> If it does the job, please close this issue, thanks.
> $ /usr/lib/apt-cacher-ng/acngtool shrink
> USAGE: acngtool shrink numberX [-f | -n] [-x] [-v] [variable assignments...]
> -f: delete files
> -n: dry run, display results
> -v: more verbosity
> -x: also drop index files (can be dangerous)
> Suffix X can be k,K,m,M,g,G (for kb,KiB,mb,MiB,gb,GiB)
> Best regards,
> Eduard.

Thanks for telling me about acngtool -

/usr/lib/apt-cacher-ng/acngtool shrink 100GB -f

gets the cache down to 102GB, which is OK (and better than me hacking a
shitty bash script together to blindly purge things).

I agree there is no pressing need for online shrinking then - I will
close the ticket.

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