Am 17.12.18 um 18:11 schrieb Raphael Manfredi:
> I quickly grepped through /etc/init.d/* files (I know systemd does
> not use these anymore excepted when there is no unit and it calls
> some of these scripts).  There are many files that set a PATH explicitly
> and which starts whith /usr/local/s?bin:

I was looking for an (early) boot script which tries to access/use
resources from /usr/local which might be the reason for triggering a
mount requestion.

> Does that help?

Unfortunately not.

Btw, have you made sure that you do have a working network connection?

What happens if you boot into emergency mode (add emergency to the
kernel command line)?
This will start a very minimal system without any networking or started
services. Can you successfully login?

What happens if you boot into rescue mode (add rescue to the kernel
command line)?
This will boot into a minimal system with a few services like
networking.service enabled.

What's the output of "ip a" in this case?

Why is it that all of the instruments seeking intelligent life in the
universe are pointed away from Earth?

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