Howard Chu dixit:

>You might have correctly identified a Y2038 issue. You certainly have not
>written a correct fix for it.

Please drop this condescending attitude.

I may or may not have discovered a Y2038 issue, but I do know
for sure I’ve correctly fixed a problem on all architectures
in which a time_t does not fit into a long.

Consider this:

#ifdef TEST1
typedef long foo_t;
typedef long long foo_t;
foo_t bla = 1L;
printf("%ld, %ld\n", bla, 2L);

This is _supposed_ to display “1, 2” but will display “1, 0”
on little endian platforms (big endian being worse off).

I know my way *very* well around the time_t issue because
I’ve been having them on MirBSD/i386 years before x32 even
existed, and am experienced in how to fix them.

16:47⎜«mika:#grml» .oO(mira ist einfach gut....)      23:22⎜«mikap:#grml»
mirabilos: und dein bootloader ist geil :)    23:29⎜«mikap:#grml» und ich
finds saugeil dass ich ein bsd zum booten mit grml hab, das muss ich dann
gleich mal auf usb-stick installieren   -- Michael Prokop über MirOS bsd4grml

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