[2018-12-19 10:32] Lorenz <lorenzo.r...@gmail.com>
> Hi !


> We are approaching the freeze, and I think that the state of runit
> about 'sulogin' is acceptable but not optimal: there are two minor
> issues unresolved.

Yes, we definitely should resolve them.

> > Glancing over the changes, changing the runsvdir is a bad idea, since
> > now stage 3 won't stop t he correct services.
> * sulogin will not be stopped correctly on stage 3
> * sulogin print a message that says
>   ' press Control+-D to continue or give root password for maintenance'
>    Now if I press Control+D i would expect the boot process to continue, but
>    what i get is only a restart of sulogin

You are correct. I knew that this would happen, but considered it
regular single mode behaviour. Just checked sysvinit box. Yes, boot must
resume after sulogin exit.

> Since a changing runlevel mechanism is not coming before the freeze,
> why start sulogin as a supervised process with runsvdir?
> I'm thinking of a stage 2 that does:
> * a plain 'sulogin' (followed by)
> * code to start sysv services in rc2 (without checking for 'single')

Yes. You are right. What do you think about state of
salsa:runit-team/runit, commit a8d698d? I am considering uploading it to

> or, if managing sulogin is really needed, start a runsv process
> [...]

No. Not actually.

> This way an admin can choose to reboot in sulogin shell or type Control-D
> or just exit the shell to continue with the boot.


> About changing runlevel, we can open a whishlist bug that
> reference to this one, and keep it as a reminder.

Would you be so kind to file this bug?

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