On 2019-01-06 11:29 a.m., Ondřej Grover wrote:
> Package: xserver-xephyr
> Version: 2:1.19.2-1+deb9u5
> Severity: normal
> Dear Maintainer,
> I'm trying to use Xephyr to test my awesome (WM) multi-screen setup.
> As per instructions found on the Internet I spawned a Xephyr server with 2 
> screens and the Xinerama and RANDR extensions activated:
> Xephyr -screen 960x540+0+0 -screen 960x540+960+0  +extension RANDR  +xinerama 
> :1 &
> This spawns 2 windows side-by-side (due to the +X+Y panning information, but 
> also works without it and has the same issue), labeled :1.0 and :1.1
> However, when I ask xrandr about the screens, it sees only one screen/output
> DISPLAY=:1 xrandr
> xrandr: Failed to get size of gamma for output default
> Screen 0: minimum 160 x 160, current 1920 x 540, maximum 1600 x 1200
> default connected 960x540+0+0 (normal left inverted right x axis y axis) 0mm 
> x 0mm
>    1600x1200      0.00  
>    1400x1050      0.00  
>    1280x960       0.00  
>    1280x1024      0.00  
>    1152x864       0.00  
>    1024x768       0.00  
>    832x624        0.00  
>    800x600        0.00  
>    720x400        0.00  
>    480x640        0.00  
>    640x480        0.00  
>    640x400        0.00  
>    320x240        0.00  
>    240x320        0.00  
>    160x160        0.00  
>    960x540        0.00*
> So when I start awesome (WM) on this display, it detects only the first 
> screen/output
> DISPLAY=:1 awesome &
> Now if I attempt to start an xterm on the first screen, it works correctly
> DISPLAY=:1.0 xterm &
> I can even move this terminal toward the right screen and it becomes visible 
> on the second (:1.1) screen, so perhaps Xinerama is working.
> However, If I attempt to start an xterm on the second screen directly, it 
> fails (even without awesome)
> DISPLAY=:1.1 xterm &
> xterm: Xt error: Can't open display: :1.1

That's the point of Xinerama. :) It combines the "physical" screens to a
single logical one. You can see the information about the "physical"
screens provided by the Xinerama extension via

 xdpyinfo -ext XINERAMA

> My feeling so far is that the second (possibly any extra) display is not 
> properly advertised or registered. Perhaps the RANDR extension is not working 
> properly?

Xinerama and RandR are generally incompatible. The Xorg server
completely disables RandR when Xinerama is enabled. I suspect Xephyr
leaves it enabled by accident, not intentionally.

Earthling Michel Dänzer               |               http://www.amd.com
Libre software enthusiast             |             Mesa and X developer

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