On Sun, 2019-01-13 at 12:31 +0100, Abou Al Montacir wrote:...
> The error messages current location is decided by FPC make file and not by our
> scripts. And even it we are going to overwrite this we may want to move the
> error files to either/usr/share/fpc/3.0.4/compiler/msg/errore.msgor
> to/usr/share/fp-compiler-3.0.4/msg/errore.msgbut not
> to/usr/share/fpcsrc/3..4/compiler/msg/errore.msg
> For now I'll probably try to change Lazarus default search path.
I've tried several attempts to fix that but failed to find a way to get "gnu" in
"$(TargetCPU)-$(TargetOS)-gnu" in the attached patch.
I now consider again using the upstream path:
> /usr/share/fpcsrc/3..4/compiler/msg/errore.msg
using either a move command in rules file or a symbolic link entry in the .link
Can anyone advise what is better? 
Abou Al Montacir
diff --git a/ide/etfpcmsgparser.pas b/ide/etfpcmsgparser.pas
index 38da4adb..4d423b44 100644
--- a/ide/etfpcmsgparser.pas
+++ b/ide/etfpcmsgparser.pas
@@ -1013,6 +1013,13 @@ begin
+    aFileName := GetForcedPathDelims('/usr/lib/$(TargetCPU)-$(TargetOS)-gnu/fpc/$(FpcVer)/msg/errore.msg');
+    if not GlobalMacroList.SubstituteStr(aFilename) then begin
+      debugln(['TFPCMsgFilePool.GetMsgFileNames failed for ',CompilerFilename,' TargetCPU="',TargetCpu,'"',' TargetOS="',TargetOs,'"']);
+    end;
+    if FileExistsCached(aFilename) then begin
+      fCurrentEnglishFile:=aFilename;
+    end else begin
     if FilenameIsAbsolute(FPCSrcDir) then begin
       // FPCSrcDir exists => use the errore.msg
@@ -1020,6 +1027,7 @@ begin
       if FileExistsCached(aFilename) then
+    end;
     if not FileExistsCached(fCurrentEnglishFile) then begin
       // as fallback use the copy in the Codetools directory

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