Severity: normal
Usertags: rm

Please remove phpmyadmin from testing, it hasn't seen an update
since 1.5 years and has 5 RC bugs at this point. The 4.6.x
series is out of upstream support for quite a while and should
not be in a new stable release (916310), it blocks the removal
of tcpdf (915470), FTBFSes (917755, 883417) and has issues
with current PHP (890595).

I guess it wasn't auto-removed as it's considered a key package
(I did a simulated dak removal run in testing and there were no
blockers). Removing it now seems like the best course of action;
if it's actually a key package, people can still step up and
upgrade it to 4.8 (which would still be doable for buster).


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