[2019-01-23 23:56] Chris Lamb <la...@debian.org>
> part       text/plain                 418
> tags 920299 + moreinfo
> thanks
> Dmitry,
> > please add warning for packages, that use dh_runit(1) debhelper (file
> > debian/<package>.runit exists), but do not have Breaks: ${runit:Breaks}.
> Please elaborate why a `Breaks: ${runit:Breaks}` is needed; I will
> need this for the tag long description.

Sure. In general, versions of dh_runit(1) sometimes generate runscripts,
that assume something of bin:runit, that is only provided by recent
revisions of bin:runit. Given that runscrips are to be included in
package in same way, as init.d scripts and systemd.service files, I
can't generate dependency on runit. Instead, I ensure, that if runit
/is/ installed, it is installed with sufficently recent version.
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