I had the same issue (packagekit worked fine until gnome-software
re-opened, where PK will crash), and on a hunch I followed
but for Debian:

    sudo apt-get autoremove --purge packagekit gnome-software

I noticed that the removal failed un-cleanly:

    rmdir: failed to remove '/var/cache/app-info/': Directory not empty

So I removed the folder

    nroach44@woody:~$ tree /var/cache/app-info/
    └── xmls

    1 directory, 0 files
    nroach44@woody:~$ sudo rm -rf /var/cache/app-info/

And reinstalled task-gnome-desktop (to cover the pre-reqs removed by
autoremove above)

    sudo apt-get install task-gnome-desktop

And then restarted gnome-software (left it running, whoops) and it
started working fine. I figured it wasn't just a bug as my desktop
(fully updated like this machine) didn't have the issue.

Hopefully this helps narrow down the issue.

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